It is good to exercise every day at least for 30 minutes to keep your mind and body fit. Before each workout session, a warm up routine will add more benefits to the final goal of working out. You may work out for fitness, weight loss or weight gain. Whatever may be the reason, it is important to keep in mind that sometime of your workout schedule should be devoted to warm ups. The following are the reasons why-

- Blood Circulation- Like driving your car in freezing weather, it is important to warm up and circulate blood to your body parts. Your body needs a warm up in the form of walking or spot jogging for 10-15 minutes to get ready for the exercise. With every warm up session, your heart rate increases, muscles are warmed up to prevent injury and ligaments are protected against tears.
- Mental preparation- Workouts are not only physical, they are mental as well. Your mind should be tuned in to exercise especially if it is the strenuous kind like hiking, boxing, wrestling etc. Your mind often releases a lot of stress during strenuous exercise. With the aid of warm up sessions, it is prepared to go in for the workout without tensions.
- Promotes sweating- Sweating is needed in every workout session. Perspiration reduces the heat in the body. The body with a good warm up session will spend a lot of time cooling itself in the form of sweat. This is good for you.
- Nerve impulses- Your nerve impulses improve greatly with a good warm up session before a workout. The motor faculty of the body is improved after every warm up session. For instance, when you get up from bed and try running to the front door, you will definitely bump into something. This is why it is important for you to stretch and walk to the front door. The body by then is alert as your nerve and motor faculty is working properly.

Therefore, from the above, you have learnt why warm up exercises are necessary before working out. Under the guidance and instruction of a good trainer, it is important to learn correct techniques of warm up exercises so that you are able to get the best results. Warm ups will help the body tune in to the work out better making you feel and look good too!
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