Monday, July 6, 2015

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Which Is The Best Diet Plan For Weight Loss?


There are many people that frantically look for the best diet plan for weight loss. There are many in the market today however most of them are not simple to follow. People become de-motivated in just few days. We have brought to you a diet plan that will help you lose weight and keep you looking great this 2015. Lets check it out-

James Duigan’s Clean & Lean Diet Plan to get you into perfect shape

Celebrity fitness expert James Duigan has devised this unique diet plan to help you get into shape in no time. This plan involves cutting off the toxic food that encourages the body to store flab.The food that is removed from your diet include sugar, processed food and alcohol. Meals here are full of lean meat, fish and freshly cut organic vegetables.

James believes that his diet works on the fundamental principle that your body is naturally lean and fit. It is not sluggish and fat. However, processed food clings onto the body like fat that collects on the tummy, buttocks, hips and thighs. Once you stop taking the wrong things, the human body responds fast and you become naturally lean.The only thing you need to do is believe in yourself. It does not matter how many times you have failed in the past. It is vital that you can always start again and be successful this time. 

The best diet plan for weight loss

The following are some simple food rules you should keep in mind if you wish to follow this diet plan by James-

1. Cut the C.R.A.P- This means caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed food. Cut them off and see you slim down.

Ignore Junk Food

2. Have one cheat meal every week- Once a week you can have a cheat meal and be indulgent on what you like. You can go in for that pasta filled with cream or a hot brownie with chocolate sauce. Since you are eating healthy the rest of the week, going in for a fat-treat once will actually boost up your metabolism. 

3. Fish oil supplements- The fish oil supplements burn fat and they give your body the essential fatty acids they need. 

Fish oil supplements

4. Breakfast- Eat within one hour after you wake up. In case you do not have time for a proper breakfast, grab some nuts and fruits. 


5. Dinner- Never eat after 8pm. Eating large meals in the evening is not a good idea. The body slows down or is ready for sleep. This is not healthy for digestion. 


Therefore, if you wish to lose weight and have a healthy body, the above diet plan will help you achieve your goal. You should make wise food choices. It is important for you to curb temptation and stay motivated to your goal of losing weight. When you slowly see the extra pounds melting away, you will feel good. This diet plan is effortless and easy to follow. Check it out and witness the good changes it does to your body- you will love it!

For more Information Visit  1To1 Fitness


  1. However, the basic premise of the grapefruit diet is that you can lose ten pounds in twelve days by including a serving of grapefruit with each meal. This sounds good in theory,
